

This is typically where the wellness journey begins when working with Will Edgel. Unlock the power of your story and use it to promote healing and connection! Explore your past, discover empowering elements of your life, uncover traumas, wounds, or limiting beliefs, and identify core values.

These sessions can be deeply healing for the gay man who desires to have deeper peace about the past and navigate life with authenticity no matter where you are in the coming out process.



During these sessions, we will address and release shame, traumas, and limiting beliefs using the following transformative methods: life coaching interventions, rapid eye, hypnotherapy, timeline processing, meditation and visualization techniques, and more!

You no longer have to live with the weight of this shame.




No longer inhibited by the past, you are now free to envision a future that truly inspires, excites, and invigorates you!

Your life, your way. You are in the drivers seat now, including defining what it means to be a gay man and how you want to live your life as one.

During these sessions we’ll create a vision for your future and introduce the tools and skills to make it happen!


Moving beyond the core sessions, we now want to seek for balance and integration with the other dimensions of wellness, starting with spirituality.

This includes: living with purpose and meaning in life, figuring out your calling and unique contribution to this world, alignment with your higher self, relationship with God or a higher power, and developing a spiritual practice.


This dimension of wellness is all about building your knowledge, intellect, skills, and overall mental health. It extends into educational pursuits, career development, and financial wellbeing. You will definitely want to address these areas to maintain a healthy mind, manage stress, and feel more satisfied with your day-to-day life.



The focus here is all on maintaining healthy relationships with family, friends, and the pursuit and maintenance of romantic relationships. We will address developing great interpersonal skills, understanding yourself, and how you relate to the people around you.


In this program we focus on making sure that you have a positive relationship with your home environment, work environment, and anywhere else you spend time. We also work on having a good relationship with the world at large. Whether it’s spending time in nature or getting out and traveling to experience more of what this world has to offer.

So what are you waiting for?